Idioms and Phrase

BCS এর বিগত সকল পরীক্ষার (অর্থসহ) Phrase এক সাথে
১। ABC-প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান        [31st BCS Written] 
২। All in- পরিশ্রান্ত               [17th BCS Written]
৩। A round dozen-পূর্ণ ডজন বা ১২টি            [14th BCS Written]
৪। An apple of discord-বিবাদের বিষয়          [32nd BCS Written]
৫। As though-যেন                           [29th BCS Written]
৬। At a loss-হতবুদ্ধি                        [28th BCS Written]
৭। A castle in the air-আকাশকুমুস কল্পনা                [11th BCS Written]
৮। A man of letters-পন্ডিত ব্যক্তি                       [32nd BCS Written]
৯। A man of straw-দুর্বলচিত্তের লোক                           [11th BCS Written]
১০। A square pig in a round whole-অনুপযুক্ত              [18th BCS Written]
১১। After one’s own heart-মনের মতো                       [25th BCS Written]
১২। An axe to grind-সম্পৃক্ততার ব্যক্তিগত কারণ          [24th BCS Written]
১৩। At arm’s length-নিরাপদ দূরত্ব                           [21st BCS Written]
১৪। Benefit of the doubt-সন্দেহাবসর                   [15t­h BCS Written]
১৫। Burning question-গুরুত্বপূর্­ণ বিষয়              [28th BCS Written]
১৬। By dint of-বদৌলতে                                    [17th BCS Written]
১৭। By fits and starts-অনিয়মিতভাবে                    [2­2nd& 31st BCS Written]
১৮। Bring to pass-কোন কিছু ঘটা                [27th BCS Written]
১৯। Bolt from the blue-বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত               [29th BCS Written]
২০। Bottom line-সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়                  [15th BCS Written]
২১। Black and blue-নির্মমভাবে                     [ TEO -2015]
২২। Black sheep-কুলাঙ্গার                        [32nd­ BCS Written]
২৩। Cry in the wilderness-অরণ্যে রোদন                    [22nd BCS Written]
২৪। Call to mind-স্মরণ করা                            [33rd BCS]
২৫। Come to terms-ঐকমত্যে পৌছা                 [20th &31st BCS Written]
২৬। Cast aside-বাতিল করা                      [24th BCS Written]
২৭। Draw the line-সীমারেখা নির্ধারণ করা              [21st BCS Written]
২৮। Dilly dally-সময় অপচয়                             [20th BCS]
২৯। Dog days-সবচেয়ে গরমের দিন                       [14th BCS]
৩০। Day after day-দিনের পর দিন                   [32th BCS Written]
৩১। Down to earth-বাস্তবিক                         [ TEO -2015]
৩২। Eat humble pie-অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া              [18th BCS Written]
৩৩। End in smoke-ব্যর্থতায় পর্যবসিত হওয়া               [31st BCS Written]
৩৪। Few and far between-কদাচিত                    [31st BCS Written]
৩৫। Flesh and blood-রক্তমাংসের দেহ                  [21st BCS Written]
৩৬। For good-স্থায়ীভাবে                  [TEO-­2015]
৩৭। Fool’s paradise-বোকার স্বর্গ             [28th BCS Written]
৩৮। Fresh blood-নতুন সভ্য                [29th BCS Written]
৩৯। Gift of the gab-বাগ্নিতা
[27th BCS
৪০। Get along-কারো সাথে সুসম্পর্ক থাকা [27th BCS Written]
৪১। Give in-বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা[13th BCS Written] ৪২। Half a chance-সামান্য সুযোগ[21st BCS Written] ৪৩। Hand in glove-ঘনিষ্ঠ[23rd BCS Written]
৪৪। Hold water-পরীক্ষায় টিকে থাকা[11th BCS] ৪৫। Heart and soul-সর্বান্তকরণে[32­nd BCS Written] ৪৬। In cold blood-ঠান্ডা মাথায়[14th BCS & 15th BCS Written]
৪৭। In case-যদি[29th BCS Written]
৪৮। In addition to-অধিকন্তু[25th BCS Written] ৪৯। In order that-যাতে[25th BCS Written]
৫০। In black and white-লিখিতভাবে[11th
BCS Written]
৫১। Kith and kin-আত্মীয় [সহকারী রাজস্ব কর্মকর্তা-২০১৫]
৫২। Look forward to-ভালো কিছু আশা করা [29th BCS Written]
৫৩। Let loose-বল্গাহীনভাবে ছেড়ে দেয়া [21st BCS Written]
৫৪। Make a case-যুক্তি দেখানো[21st BCS Written] ৫৫। Make hay while the sun shines-ঝোপ বুঝে কোপ মারা[24th BCS Written]
৫৬। Maiden speech-প্রথম বক্তৃতা[23rd, 26th, 34th BCS Written]
৫৭। Make up one’s mind-মনস্থির করা[29th BCS Written] ৫৮। Make good-ক্ষতিপূরণ করা[24th BCS Written] ৫৯। Null and void-বাতিল[32nd BCS Written]
৬০। Out of the question-অসম্ভব[15th­ BCS
৬১। Out and out-সম্পূর্ণরুপে        [11t­h, 26th BCS Written]
৬২। Open secret-যে গোপন সর্বজন বিদিত [28th BCS Written]
৬৩। Pick a quarrel with-ঝগড়া বাধানো            [24th BCS Written]
৬৪। Pros and cons-খুটিনাটি                         [31st BCS Written]
৬৫। Put heads together-একমত হওয়া; একত্রে বসে পরামর্শ করা            [24th BCS Written]
৬৬। Pass away-মারা যাওয়া            [33rd BCS]
৬৭। Put up with-সহ্য করা               [15th, 31st, 33rd BCS Written]
৬৮। Raise one’s eyebrow-চোখ কপালে ওঠা, বিস্মিত হওয়া               [32nd BCS]
৬৯। Red handed-হাতে নাতে            [28th BCS Written]
৭০। Rank and file-সাধারণ সৈনিক               [ 22nd BCS Written]
৭১। Spare no pains-যথাসাধ্য সব কিছু করা           [24th BCS Written]
৭২। Swan song-শেষ কর্ম                         [ 23rd BCS]
৭৩। Soft soap-তোষামোদ করা                [14th BCS]
৭৪। Sorry figure-কৃতিত্ব দেখাতে না পারা              [27th BCS Written]
৭৫। Tell upon-ক্ষতি করা                   [25th BCS Written]
৭৬। Three score-ষাট                    [16th BCS]
৭৭। Through and through-সম্যকভাবে                [17­th BCS Written]
৭৮। To smell a rat-সন্দেহ করা                 [21st BCS Written]
৭৯। Take a fancy to-ভালো লাগা                [27th BCS Written]
৮০। Take into account-বিবেচনা করা                    [33rd BCS]
৮১। Through thick and thin-বিপদে আপদে সব অবস্থাতেই              [27th BCS]
৮২। To do away with-ত্যাগ করা           [36th BCS]
৮৩। Turn over a new leaf-নতুন অধ্যায়ের সূচনা করা             [14th BCS]
৮৪। To end in smoke-ব্যর্থতায় পর্যবসিত হওয়া                     [31st BCS]
৮৫। To get along with-কারো সাথে সুসম্পর্ক থাকা                  [28th BCS]
৮৬। To meet trouble half way-হতবুদ্ধি হওয়া            [14th BCS]
৮৭। Up and doing-উঠে পড়ে লাগা                     [20th BCS Written]
৮৮। With a good grace-সানন্দে                    [17th BCS Written]
৮৯। With a view to-উদ্দেশ্যে                    [13th BCS Written]
৯০। Worth one’s while-যথার্থ মূল্য দেয়া                  [20th BCS Written]
৯১। White elephant-কাজে আসে না অথচ দামি ও অসুবিধাজনক               [10th, 26th BCS]

Some Important Idioms and Phrases with English Meaning -
1. Lingua franca- The common language
2. Root and branch-Completety
3. Donkey work- The hard and boring part of a job
4. Dark horse- Unkown person
5. Swang song-Last work
6. Note bene-Mark well
7. Vice versa- The terms being exchanged
8. Soft soap- Flatter for self motives
9.Dog days-Hot weather
10. Hold wather- Bear examination
11. Tooth and nail- Completely
12. Modus operandi- Method of operation
13. Bring to book- Rebuke
14. Cut to the quick- To hurt intensely
15. Dilly dally- waste time
16. Bon voyage-Wish You a good trip
17. Day dream- Reverie
18.By fits and starts- irregularity
19. Buoyant health - Good/sound<br>
20. Leave no stone unturned - try every possible means
21. Speed/ Hush money - Bribe
22.Sub Judice- matter under judicial consideration
23.Cul-de-sac- dead end
24. Bottom line- the essential point
25. A round dozen- a full dozen
26. Baker's dozen- Thirteen
27. A green horn- An inexperienced man
28. Blue blood- arictocratic
29. Salt of life- Valuable things
30. Lend me your ears- listen to me
31. In the teeth of - Against
32. In a nutshell- Briefly
33. Make a case- logic in support
34.Keep your nose out of something- to avoid
35. To do away with- to get rid of
36. Prima facie- At first view
37. Renal failure - Kidney failure
38. Sharp practice- betrayal
39. A white elephant -a costly possession
40. To get along with- to adjust
41. electorate - A body of voters
42. Though thick and thin- under all conditions
43.Bring to pass - Cause to happen
44. Buttet- doux - Love letter
45. Bill of fare- Price list
46.Bull market- Rising share price
47. To read between the lines- To read carefully to to find out anny hidden meaning 48. Cock and bull story- a false story
49. At draggers drawn- In the state of violent enimity/ 0n the point of fighting 50. Bag & baggage -leaving nothing behind
51. Burning Question - A hotly discussed question
52.White elephant - A very costly or troublesome possession
53.Maiden speech - First speech
54. Moot point- An undecided matter
55. Razzmatazz-A noisy activity
56. Out and out - Thoroughly
57. Snake in the grass- Hidden enemy
58. Bread and butter- Livelihood
59.Lingua franca- The common language
60.Root and branch-Completely
61.Donkey work- The hard and boring part of a job.
62.Dark horse- Unknown person
63.Swang song-Last work
64.Note bene-Mark well
65.Vice versa- The terms being exchanged
66.Soft soap- Flatter for self motives
67.Dog days-Hot weather
68.Hold water- Bear examination
69. A whited sepulchre-- a hypocrite
70. tete a tete - private conversation
71. Nem con-- unanimously / without objection
72. A small fortune --- a lot of money
73. white collar job----- official job
74. Blue collar job---- manual job
75. pink collar job ------ low paid job done at restaurants
76.Sedendary job---- job done seating
77. Bull market ---- share prices are rising
78--- Infra dig------ demeaning, beneath one's prestige.
79. A black leg ---- A preson who works while his colleagues are on strike
80. A green horn ---- an inexperienced person.
81. It is six of one & half a dozen of the other ------ there is a little difference.
82. Ad lib ----- spontaneous, speak without preparation, improvise.
83------ Adam's apple --- Part at the front of the neck especially prominent in men.
84. On cloud nine ----- extremely happy
85. Every cloud has a silver lining --- there is always a more hopeful side to every difficult situation.
86 One's Achilles' heel --- is one's weak point
87. One's forte ---- is one's strong point
88. to get the better of sb ---- to defeat sb
89. Bete noire ---- A person or thing one dislikes.
90.A big shot ---- An important person.
91. In the doldrums ---- in low spirits/ depressed
92.A yellow streak ---- Cowardice in somebody's character.
93. Don Juan --- man who has great sexual success with woman.
94 A rule of thumb---- a rule based on past experience rather than on theory.
95. A blessing / boon in disguise --- a benefit in loss ( শাপে বর)/ Something that turns out to be good which earlier appeared to be wrong.
96. (to) give cold shoulder --- to ignore
97. Hold water ---- bear examination / to sound logical
98.Over the moon--- being too happy.
99.Talk Turkey ---- discuss a problem with a real intention to solve it.
100. Volte face ----- sudden& complete change in one's position over an issue.
101. knock down------ reduce
102. In no time -----soon
103. At tiimes ------- sometimes
104. Have one's head in the clouds --------- day dreamer
105. Deja vu -------- A familiar feeling.
106. Fait accompli -------- An accomplished fact.
107. To meet one's Waterloo ----- to be defeated.
108.To beat about the bush------ to evade the issue
109. Apple of discord/ bone of contention ---- cause of dispute
110. Birthday suit-------- naked
111.--- the sword of Damocles------ Impending evil.
112. to play fast and loose----- be unreliable / inconsistent.
113. to smell a rat --to suspect
114. Rank and file-- Commoners/followers.
115. Olive branch --- emblem of peace.
116. To turn the table--- to reverse one's position
117. to turn turtle -- to capsize
118. Once in a blue moon--- rarely
119- to feather one's nest ---to care for self interest.
120. on thehe cards-- likely too happen.
121. -- to see eye to eye -- to agree.
122. Between scylla and charibdis/ between the devil and the deep blue sea/ between two fires/ on the horns of a dilemma ----- between two equal evils.
123. man of straw --- without substance.
124. Brazen faced- shameless
125. Carte blanche -- complete freedom
126. Put the cart before the horse-- reverse the natural order
127. In toto- completely
128. Shilly shally-- hesitate
129.Helter skelter -- in disorderly haste
130. Hulla baloo-- uproar, loud noise

131. Bearish market -- share price is falling
132. Blue chip-- share considered to be safe investment
133. Modus vivendi- way of living true

134. Cut to the quick- To hurt intensely
135. Dilly dally- waste time
136. Bon voyage-Wish You a good trip
137. Day dream- Reverie
138.By fits and starts- irregularity
139. Buoyant health - Good/sound health
140. Leave no stone unturned - try every possible means
141. electorate - A body of voters
142. Though thick and thin- under all conditions
143.Bring to pass - Cause to happen
144. Billet- doux - Love letter
145. Bill of fare- list of dishes/ menu
146.Bull market- Rising share price
147. To read between the lines- To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
148. Cock and bull story- a false story
149. At daggers drawn- In the state of violent enmity/ 0n the point of fighting
150. Bag & baggage -leaving nothing behind
151. Burning Question - A hotly discussed question
152.White elephant - A very costly or troublesome possession
153.Maiden speech - First speech
154. Moot point- An undecided matter
155. Razzmatazz-A noisy activity
156. Out and out - Thoroughly
157. Snake in the grass- Hidden enemy
158. Bread and butter- Livelihood
160. To get along with- to adjust
161. Tooth and nail- Completely
162. Modus operandi- Method of operation
163. Bring to book- Rebuke
164. Bottom line- the essential point165. A round dozen- a full dozen
166. Baker's dozen- Thirteen
167. A green horn- An inexperienced person
168. Blue blood- aristocratic
169. Salt of life- Valuable things
170. Lend me your ears- listen to me
171. Speed/ Hush money - Bribe
172.Sub Judice- matter under judicial consideration
173.Cul-de-sac- dead end

174.Keep your nose out of something- to avoid
175. To do away with- to get rid of
176. Prima facie- At first view
177. Renal failure - Kidney failure
178. Sharp practice- betrayal
179. A white elephant -a costly possession
180. Make a case- logic in support
181. In the teeth of - Against
182. In a nutshell- Briefly

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