Mistake Or Correct using of number
যেকোনো পরিক্ষাই বেশিরভাগ ছাত্র-ছাত্রি Singular - Plural বিষয়ে বেশি বেশি ভুল করে থাকে । এর কারন কি হতে পারে বলে আপনার মনে হয় ?
হ্যাঁ , ঠিক ধরেছেন এটা সঠিক ভাবে বঝার অভাব এর প্রাকটিস এর অভাব ।
তবে শুধু প্রাকটিস করলেই হবে না, আপনাকে বুঝে প্রাকটিস করতে হবে তাহলেই আপনার ভুল করার সম্ভাবনা ৯০% কম হবে ।
ভালো করে না বুঝে করলে কি কি ভুল হতে পারে ?
Sentence এ সঠিক verb ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন না ।
s / es যুক্ত করতে পারবেন না ।
নিজেই দেখে নিন -
The fire caused many damages.
আপনাকে যদি বলা হয় এই বাক্যটির কোথায় ভুল আছে আপনি কি বলতে পারবেন ? যদি পারেন তবে আপনি পরিক্ষাতেও পারবেন শুধু বাসায় প্রাকটিস করুন ।
এই বাক্যটির যদি চারটি অপশন দেওয়া হয় তবে পারেবন -
a. fire
b. caused
c. many
d. damages
বলতে পারবেন ? কোনটি সঠিক
The fire caused many damages সঠিক উত্তর হবে - damage.
এভাবে থাকলে আপনি অবশ্যয় পারতেন । কিন্তু এত সহজ দিলে সবাই পারবে তাই আপনাকে অন্য সবার থেকে একটু অন্যভাবে চিন্তা করেত হবে ।
বেশ কিছু শব্দ আছে যেগুলো কিছু সময় plural হিসেবে ব্যবহার করবেন না ।
Don't say: That man has long hairs.
Correct : That man has long hair.Note. When we use hair to denote a single thread, the plural form is hairs: I found two long hairs in my food.
Don't say: Breads are sold at the baker's.
Correct : Bread is Note: We can say a loaf of bread and loaves of bread: I bought a loaf (two,three, etc.,loaves] of bread. sold at the baker's.
Furniture -
Don't say: Furnitures are often made of wood.
Correct : Furniture Note: Furniture is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. A piece of furniture means one thing only. is often made of wood.
Don't say: Her luggages are at the station.
Correct : Her luggage Note: Baggage, another word for luggage, can't be used in the plural either: The baggage is ready for the train. is at the station.
Don't say: The fire caused many damages.
Correct : The fire caused much damageNote: The plural form damages denotes money paid to make good a loss: The insurance company paid the man damages..
Don't say: Yesterday we had fishes for dinner.
Correct : Yesterday we had fish for dinner.
Don't say: We didn't have many fruits this summer.
Correct : We didn't have much fruit Note: We rarely use the plural form fruits which means different kinds of fruit:Cyprus produces oranges, apricots, and other fruits. this summer.
Don't say: Tom has made great progresses.
Correct : Tom has made great progress.
Thunder and Lightning.
Don't say: There were thunders and lightnings.
Correct : There wasNote: When only one thing is meant we say a clap of thunder and a flash or
bolt of lightning. thunder and lightning.
Don't say: The dog lay down on the grasses.
Correct : The dog lay down on the grass.
Don't say: I want to buy three dozens eggs.
Correct : I want to buy three dozenNote: (A dozen = 12): I'd like to buy a dozen eggs. When dozen isn't
preceded by a numeral (like three) or by a we use the plural form: There were dozens of eggs. eggs.
The following can't be used in the plural:
Don't say: Nick gave me some good advices.
Correct : Nick gave me some good adviceNote: When we mean only one thing we say a piece of advice: Let me give you a piece of advice..
Don't say: They're now using new machineries.
Correct : They're now using new machineryNote: Machinery is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and
pronoun. We can say a piece of machinery or pieces of machinery..
Don't say: Can you give me any informations?
Correct : Can you give me any information?Note: When we mean only one thing we say an item or a bit of information:He gave me a useful item of information.
Don't say: Today I've many works to do.
Correct : Today I've a lot of work Note: The plural form works means a factory or the writings of an author:The works of Shakespeare are many. I visited the steel works. to do.
Don't say: The school builds good characters.
Correct : The school builds good character Note: The plural form characters denotes the letters of the alphabet or the
people in a book or play..
Hundred, etc.
Don't say: The town has fifty thousands people.
Correct : The town has fifty thousand Note: Hundred, thousand, and million take the plural form if they're not preceded by a numeral or by a: Thousands of people were present. people.
Don't say: Ten sheeps are grazing the field.
Correct : Ten sheep Note: Sheep, deer, salmon, and a few other nouns have the same form for singular and plural. We say one sheep or ten sheep. are grazing in the field.
Don't say: Karen has good knowledges of history.
Correct : Karen has a good knowledge of history.
Mathematics, etc. + singular verb.
Don't say: Mathematics are not easy to learn.
Correct : Mathematics is Note: The names of sciences and subjects ending in -ics (like mathematics, physics, politics, gymnastics) generally take a singular verb. not easy to learn.
Money + singular verb.
Don't say: All her money are kept in the bank.
Correct : All her money is Note: Money is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. kept in the bank.
News + singular verb.
Don't say: I'm glad that the news are good.
Correct : I'm glad that the news is Note: News, though plural in form, always takes a singular verb. If only one thing is meant we say a piece or an item of news: This Is a good piece of news. good.
Part 5 Confused words
Scissors, etc. + plural verb.
Don't say: The scissor is lying on the table.
Say: The scissors are Note: All names of things consisting of two parts (like scissors, trousers,
spectacles, shears, pliers) take a plural verb. We can say: a pair of
(scissors, etc.) is ... lying on the table.
People + plural verb.
Don't say: There is lots of people in the cinema.
Say: There are Note: People, meaning nation, is singular. The plural is peoples: The Greeks
are a brave people. The peoples of Europe are often engaged in war. lots of people in the cinema.
Clothes + plural verb.
Don't say: Your cloth is very fashionable.
Say: Your clothes are Note: Cloth, meaning the material of which clothes are made, is singular, and
has a plural form cloths (without the e): She cleaned the table with a cloth, very fashionable.
Merchants sell different kinds of cloths.
Riches + plural verb.
Don't say: All her riches was stolen.
Say: All her riches were Note: Riches is a plural noun and always takes a plural verb. stolen.
Wages + plural verb.
Don't say: Keith complains that his wage is low.
Say: Keith complains that his wages are Note: Wages is a plural noun and takes a plural verb. We say: a living wage. low.
Don't say: Billiard is a very difficult game.
Say: Billiards Note: Billiards, draughts, darts are always plural, but are followed by verbs in
the singular. is a very difficult game.
Misuse of the adjective in the plural.
Don't say: The rich have a duty to help the poors.
Say: The rich have a duty to help the poor Note: Adjectives can't take the plural form, even when they're used as nouns in
the plural. .
Misuse of as well as with a plural verb.
Don't say: Tom as well as Mark are coming.
Say: Tom as well as Mark is Two singular nouns joined by as well as require the verb to be singular. coming.
Misuse of all (everything) with a plural verb.
Don't say: Nothing's left; all are lost.
Say: Nothing's left; all is All meaning everything, takes a singular verb, all meaning everybody, takes
a plural verb: All of us are present. lost.
Misuse of the plural before kind or sort.
Don't say: I don't like these kind of games.
Say: I don't like this kind of game Note: The demonstrative word (this/that etc.) must agree with its noun. In the
example, kind is singular and so this must agree with it. .
Or: I don't like games of this kind.
Misuse of the plural with the name of a language.
Don't say: English are easier than German.
Say: English is Names of languages are singular and always take a singular verb. easier than German.
Misuse of one and parts of one with the singular.
Don't say: I read it in one and a half hour.
Say: I read it in one and a half hours In English, use the plural with anything greater than one, even if it's less than two..
The number and A number.
(a) The number.
Don't say: The number of pupils are increasing.
Say: The number of pupils is increasing.
(b) A number.
Don't say: A number of pupils is absent today.
Say: A number of pupils are When we precede number by the it denotes a unit and is singular. When it's
preceded by a it means several or many and is plural. absent today.
Misuse of This for These.
Don't say: This errors are sometimes made by foreigners.
Say: These This changes to these if the noun that follows is in the plural. Note: Also avoid the use of this instead of the personal pronoun: John had the
book but he gave this to his brother should be John had the book but he gave
it to his brother. errors are sometimes made by foreigners.
Misuse of There is for There are.
Don't say: There is some girls waiting outside.
Say: There are There is changes to there are if the noun that follows is the plural. some girls waiting outside.
Misuse of You was for You were.
Don't say: You was very foolish to do that.
Say: You were very foolish to do that.
Confused words
Was is singular and were is plural, but with the pronoun you, even when it's
singular in meaning, we always use were.
Note: In conditions and wishes we can use were with the singular: If I were
you, I'd go, I wish I were rich.
Misuse of life, etc., for lives, etc.
Don't say: Many people lost their life at sea.
Say: Many people lost their lives In English, we use words like life, heart soul, body, mind in the plural when
they refer to more than one person. at sea.
Agreement of number between noun and verb.
Don't say: A large supply of toys are expected.
Say: A large supply of toys is When the subject is singular, the verb must be singular and when the subject is
plural, the verb must also be plural. Take care when a plural noun comes
between a singular subject and its verb, as in the example above. expected.
হ্যাঁ , ঠিক ধরেছেন এটা সঠিক ভাবে বঝার অভাব এর প্রাকটিস এর অভাব ।
তবে শুধু প্রাকটিস করলেই হবে না, আপনাকে বুঝে প্রাকটিস করতে হবে তাহলেই আপনার ভুল করার সম্ভাবনা ৯০% কম হবে ।
Sentence এ সঠিক verb ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন না ।
s / es যুক্ত করতে পারবেন না ।
নিজেই দেখে নিন -
The fire caused many damages.
আপনাকে যদি বলা হয় এই বাক্যটির কোথায় ভুল আছে আপনি কি বলতে পারবেন ? যদি পারেন তবে আপনি পরিক্ষাতেও পারবেন শুধু বাসায় প্রাকটিস করুন ।
এই বাক্যটির যদি চারটি অপশন দেওয়া হয় তবে পারেবন -
a. fire
b. caused
c. many
d. damages
বলতে পারবেন ? কোনটি সঠিক
যেকনো করিক্ষার সময় আমাদের চিন্তা শক্তি বাড়াতে হয় যার কারনে খুব অল্প সময়ে আমাদের সঠিক উত্তরে পৌঁছানোর প্রয়োজন পরে । বেশি ভাবতে গেলে সময় শেষ হয়ে যাবে । আর তখনি ভুল হবার সম্ভাবনা বেড়ে যায় ।
কিন্তু যদি কোনো অপশন দেওয়া না হতো আপনি পারতেন । হ্যাঁ একটু কষ্ট হতো কিন্তু আপনার এক্ষেত্রে ভুল কররা সম্ভাবনা কমে যেতো ।
কিন্তু যদি এভাবে প্রশ্নটি কারা হতো -
এভাবে থাকলে আপনি অবশ্যয় পারতেন । কিন্তু এত সহজ দিলে সবাই পারবে তাই আপনাকে অন্য সবার থেকে একটু অন্যভাবে চিন্তা করেত হবে ।
বেশ কিছু শব্দ আছে যেগুলো কিছু সময় plural হিসেবে ব্যবহার করবেন না ।
Don't say: That man has long hairs.
Correct : That man has long hair.Note. When we use hair to denote a single thread, the plural form is hairs: I found two long hairs in my food.
Don't say: Breads are sold at the baker's.
Correct : Bread is Note: We can say a loaf of bread and loaves of bread: I bought a loaf (two,three, etc.,loaves] of bread. sold at the baker's.
Furniture -
Don't say: Furnitures are often made of wood.
Correct : Furniture Note: Furniture is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. A piece of furniture means one thing only. is often made of wood.
Don't say: Her luggages are at the station.
Correct : Her luggage Note: Baggage, another word for luggage, can't be used in the plural either: The baggage is ready for the train. is at the station.
Don't say: The fire caused many damages.
Correct : The fire caused much damageNote: The plural form damages denotes money paid to make good a loss: The insurance company paid the man damages..
Don't say: Yesterday we had fishes for dinner.
Correct : Yesterday we had fish for dinner.
Don't say: We didn't have many fruits this summer.
Correct : We didn't have much fruit Note: We rarely use the plural form fruits which means different kinds of fruit:Cyprus produces oranges, apricots, and other fruits. this summer.
Don't say: Tom has made great progresses.
Correct : Tom has made great progress.
Thunder and Lightning.
Don't say: There were thunders and lightnings.
Correct : There wasNote: When only one thing is meant we say a clap of thunder and a flash or
bolt of lightning. thunder and lightning.
Don't say: The dog lay down on the grasses.
Correct : The dog lay down on the grass.
Don't say: I want to buy three dozens eggs.
Correct : I want to buy three dozenNote: (A dozen = 12): I'd like to buy a dozen eggs. When dozen isn't
preceded by a numeral (like three) or by a we use the plural form: There were dozens of eggs. eggs.
The following can't be used in the plural:
Don't say: Nick gave me some good advices.
Correct : Nick gave me some good adviceNote: When we mean only one thing we say a piece of advice: Let me give you a piece of advice..
Don't say: They're now using new machineries.
Correct : They're now using new machineryNote: Machinery is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and
pronoun. We can say a piece of machinery or pieces of machinery..
Don't say: Can you give me any informations?
Correct : Can you give me any information?Note: When we mean only one thing we say an item or a bit of information:He gave me a useful item of information.
Don't say: Today I've many works to do.
Correct : Today I've a lot of work Note: The plural form works means a factory or the writings of an author:The works of Shakespeare are many. I visited the steel works. to do.
Don't say: The school builds good characters.
Correct : The school builds good character Note: The plural form characters denotes the letters of the alphabet or the
people in a book or play..
Hundred, etc.
Don't say: The town has fifty thousands people.
Correct : The town has fifty thousand Note: Hundred, thousand, and million take the plural form if they're not preceded by a numeral or by a: Thousands of people were present. people.
Don't say: Ten sheeps are grazing the field.
Correct : Ten sheep Note: Sheep, deer, salmon, and a few other nouns have the same form for singular and plural. We say one sheep or ten sheep. are grazing in the field.
Don't say: Karen has good knowledges of history.
Correct : Karen has a good knowledge of history.
Mathematics, etc. + singular verb.
Don't say: Mathematics are not easy to learn.
Correct : Mathematics is Note: The names of sciences and subjects ending in -ics (like mathematics, physics, politics, gymnastics) generally take a singular verb. not easy to learn.
Money + singular verb.
Don't say: All her money are kept in the bank.
Correct : All her money is Note: Money is a singular noun and always takes a singular verb and pronoun. kept in the bank.
News + singular verb.
Don't say: I'm glad that the news are good.
Correct : I'm glad that the news is Note: News, though plural in form, always takes a singular verb. If only one thing is meant we say a piece or an item of news: This Is a good piece of news. good.
Part 5 Confused words
Scissors, etc. + plural verb.
Don't say: The scissor is lying on the table.
Say: The scissors are Note: All names of things consisting of two parts (like scissors, trousers,
spectacles, shears, pliers) take a plural verb. We can say: a pair of
(scissors, etc.) is ... lying on the table.
People + plural verb.
Don't say: There is lots of people in the cinema.
Say: There are Note: People, meaning nation, is singular. The plural is peoples: The Greeks
are a brave people. The peoples of Europe are often engaged in war. lots of people in the cinema.
Clothes + plural verb.
Don't say: Your cloth is very fashionable.
Say: Your clothes are Note: Cloth, meaning the material of which clothes are made, is singular, and
has a plural form cloths (without the e): She cleaned the table with a cloth, very fashionable.
Merchants sell different kinds of cloths.
Riches + plural verb.
Don't say: All her riches was stolen.
Say: All her riches were Note: Riches is a plural noun and always takes a plural verb. stolen.
Wages + plural verb.
Don't say: Keith complains that his wage is low.
Say: Keith complains that his wages are Note: Wages is a plural noun and takes a plural verb. We say: a living wage. low.
Don't say: Billiard is a very difficult game.
Say: Billiards Note: Billiards, draughts, darts are always plural, but are followed by verbs in
the singular. is a very difficult game.
Misuse of the adjective in the plural.
Don't say: The rich have a duty to help the poors.
Say: The rich have a duty to help the poor Note: Adjectives can't take the plural form, even when they're used as nouns in
the plural. .
Misuse of as well as with a plural verb.
Don't say: Tom as well as Mark are coming.
Say: Tom as well as Mark is Two singular nouns joined by as well as require the verb to be singular. coming.
Misuse of all (everything) with a plural verb.
Don't say: Nothing's left; all are lost.
Say: Nothing's left; all is All meaning everything, takes a singular verb, all meaning everybody, takes
a plural verb: All of us are present. lost.
Misuse of the plural before kind or sort.
Don't say: I don't like these kind of games.
Say: I don't like this kind of game Note: The demonstrative word (this/that etc.) must agree with its noun. In the
example, kind is singular and so this must agree with it. .
Or: I don't like games of this kind.
Misuse of the plural with the name of a language.
Don't say: English are easier than German.
Say: English is Names of languages are singular and always take a singular verb. easier than German.
Misuse of one and parts of one with the singular.
Don't say: I read it in one and a half hour.
Say: I read it in one and a half hours In English, use the plural with anything greater than one, even if it's less than two..
The number and A number.
(a) The number.
Don't say: The number of pupils are increasing.
Say: The number of pupils is increasing.
(b) A number.
Don't say: A number of pupils is absent today.
Say: A number of pupils are When we precede number by the it denotes a unit and is singular. When it's
preceded by a it means several or many and is plural. absent today.
Misuse of This for These.
Don't say: This errors are sometimes made by foreigners.
Say: These This changes to these if the noun that follows is in the plural. Note: Also avoid the use of this instead of the personal pronoun: John had the
book but he gave this to his brother should be John had the book but he gave
it to his brother. errors are sometimes made by foreigners.
Misuse of There is for There are.
Don't say: There is some girls waiting outside.
Say: There are There is changes to there are if the noun that follows is the plural. some girls waiting outside.
Misuse of You was for You were.
Don't say: You was very foolish to do that.
Say: You were very foolish to do that.
Confused words
Was is singular and were is plural, but with the pronoun you, even when it's
singular in meaning, we always use were.
Note: In conditions and wishes we can use were with the singular: If I were
you, I'd go, I wish I were rich.
Misuse of life, etc., for lives, etc.
Don't say: Many people lost their life at sea.
Say: Many people lost their lives In English, we use words like life, heart soul, body, mind in the plural when
they refer to more than one person. at sea.
Agreement of number between noun and verb.
Don't say: A large supply of toys are expected.
Say: A large supply of toys is When the subject is singular, the verb must be singular and when the subject is
plural, the verb must also be plural. Take care when a plural noun comes
between a singular subject and its verb, as in the example above. expected.