What is a pronoun ? types of pronoun

What is a pronoun ?

A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun.

Types of pronoun

Use of  Personal Pronoun

1.Personal Pronoun: instead of the person - I, we, you, he, she, They

Use of  Possessive Pronoun

2.Possessive Pronoun: To imply rights - Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs

Use of  Reflexive Pronoun

3.Reflexive Pronoun: Subject and Oubject refer to the same person - Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves 

Use of  Demonstrative Pronoun

4.Demonstrative Pronoun: Specifically refers to the noun - This, that, these, those, it 

Use of  Indefinite Pronoun

5.Indefinite Pronoun: Refers to an indefinite person or object -  Any, one, anyone, some, someone, no one, anybody, somebody, nobody, many, everyone, all 

Use of  Relative Pronoun

6.Relative Pronoun: Explains the relation between two sentences. These sit in the middle of the sentence -  Who, whose, whom, which, that 

Use of  Introgative Pronoun

7.Introgative Pronoun:   Used to ask questions. These sit at the beginning of the sentence  - Who, whose, whom, which, what

Use of  Distributive Pronoun

8.Distributive Pronoun:  One means more than one person or object  -  Each, either, neither

Use of  Reciprocal Pronoun

9.Reciprocal Pronoun:  Explains the interrelationships between multiple persons or objects - Each, other, one another

More about pronoun

The most common pronouns are the personal pronouns, which refer to the person or people speaking or writing (first person), the person or people being spoken to (second person), or other people or things (third person). Like nouns, personal pronouns can function as either the subject of a verb or the object of a verb or preposition: "She likes him, but he loves her." Most of the personal pronouns have different subject and object forms:

There are a number of other types of pronouns. The interrogative pronouns—particularly what, which, who, whom, and whose—introduce questions for which a noun is the answer, as in "Which do you prefer?"

Possessive pronouns refer to things or people that belong to someone. The main possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.

The four demonstrative pronouns—this, that, these, and those—distinguish the person or thing being referred to from other people or things; they are identical to the demonstrative adjectives.

Relative pronouns introduce a subordinate clause, a part of a sentence that includes a subject and verb but does not form a sentence by itself. The main relative pronouns are that, which, who, whom, what, and whose.

Reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause and are formed by adding -self or -selves to a personal pronoun or possessive adjective, as in myself, herself, ourselves, and itself.

Indefinite pronouns, such as everybody, either, none, and something, do not refer to a specific person or thing, and typically refer to an unidentified or unfamiliar person or thing.

The words it and there can also be used like pronouns when the rules of grammar require a subject but no noun is actually being referred to. Both are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or clause, as in "It was almost noon" and "There is some cake left." These are sometimes referred to as expletives.

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