BCS English Literature Best Solution | BCS Preliminary Digest English Literature Solution | বিসিএসে ইংরেজি সাহিত্য থেকে আসা সকল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

English Literature Best Solution
1.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Father of English Literature
2.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Father of English Poetry
3.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Father of English Language
4.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Morning Star of the Renaissance
5.Geoffrey Chaucer = The First National Poet
6.Venerable Bede = The Father of English Learning.
7.Venerable Bede = The Father of English History
8.King Alfred the Great = The Father of English Prose
9.Aeschylus = The Father of Tragedy
10.Nicholas Udall = The First English Comedy Writer
11.Edmund Spenser = The Poet’s poet (by Charles Lamb)
12.Edmund Spenser = The Child of Renaissance
13.Edmund Spenser = The Bridge between Renaissance and Reformation
14.Gutenberg = The Father of Printing
15.William Caxton = Father of English Press
16.Francis Bacon = The Father of English Essay
17.John Wycliffe = The Morning Star of the Reformation
18.Christopher Marlowe = The Father of English Tragedy
19.William Shakespeare = Bard of Avon
20.William Shakespeare = The Father of English Drama
21.William Shakespeare = Sweet Swan of Avon
22.William Shakespeare = The Bard
23.Robert Burns = The Bard of Ayrshire (Scotland)
24.Robert Burns = The National Poet of Scotland
25.Robert Burns = Rabbie
26.Robert Burns = The Ploughman Poet
27.William Dunber = The Chaucer of Scotland
28.John Dryden = Father of English criticism
29.William of Newbury = Father of Historical Criticism
30.John Donne = Poet of love
31.John Donne = Metaphysical poet
32.John Milton = Epic poet
33.John Milton = The great master of verse
34.John Milton = Lady of the Christ College
35.John Milton = Poet of the Devil’s Party
36.John Milton = Master of the Grand style
38.John Milton = The Blind Poet of England
39.Alexander Pope = Mock heroic poet
40.William Wordsworth = The Worshipper of Nature
41.William Wordsworth = The High Priest of Nature
42.William Wordsworth = The Poet of Nature
43.William Wordsworth = The Lake Poet
44.William Wordsworth = Poet of Childhood
45.William Wordsworth = Egotistical Sublime
46.Samuel Taylor Coleridge = The Poet of Supernaturalism
47.Samuel Taylor Coleridge = Opium Eater
48.Coleridge & Wordsworth = The Father of Romanticism
49.Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey = Lake Poets
50.Lord Byron = The Rebel Poet
51.Percy Bysshe Shelley = The Revolutionary Poet
52.Percy Bysshe Shelley = Poet of hope and
53.John Keats = Poet of Beauty
54.William Blake = The Mystic Poet
55.John Keats = Chameleon Poet
56.Lord Alfred Tennyson = The Representative of the Victorian Era
57.George Bernard Shaw = The greatest modern dramatist
58.George Bernard Shaw = The Iconoclast
59.Jane Austen = Anti-romantic in Romantic age
60.Lindley Murray = Father of English Grammar
61.James Joyce = Father of English Stream of Conscious Novel
62.Edgar Allen Poe = Father of English Mystery play
63.Edgar Allen Poe = The Father of English Short Story
64.Henry Fielding = The Father of English Novel
65.Samuel Johnson = Father of English one Act Play
66.Sigmund Freud = A great Psycho-analyst
67.Robert Frost = The Poet of Terror
68.Francesco Petrarch = The Father of Sonnet (Italian)
69.Francesco Petrarch = The Father of Humanism
70.Sir Thomas Wyatt = The Father of English Sonnet
71.Henry Louis Vivian Derozio = The Father of Indian-Anglican
72.William Hazlitt = Critic’s Critic
73.Charles Lamb = The Essay of Elia
74.Arthur Miller = Mulk Raj Anand of America
75.Addison = The voice of humanist Puritanism
76.Emerson = The Seneca of America
77.Mother Teresa = The Boon of Heaven
78.Thomas Nash = Young Juvenile
79.Thomas Decker = Fore-runner of Humorist
80.Homer = The Father of Epic Poetry
81.Homer = The Blind Poet
82.Henrick Ibsen = Father of Modern theatre
83.Rabindranath Tagore = Indian National Poet
84.Nissim Ezekiel = The Father of Indian English Poetry

Periods of English Literature:
Old English literature (450-1066)
Middle English literature (1066-1500)
- ( 1066-1340- The Aglo Norman Age)
- (1340-1400- Age of Geoffrey Chaucer )
- (1400-1485 - The Barren age)
English Renaissance ( 1500-1660)
- (1500-1558- The Preparation Age)
- ( Elizabethan & Jacobean Period -1558-1625)
( Edmund Spencer, Christopher Marlowe, Sir
Walter Raleigh, Ben Jonson, William Shakespeare,
Thomas Kyd) (Memory Clue: Walter & Kyd JSC
দিল )
(1625-1660- The Caroline Age)
- (1649-1660- The Commonwealth) (Jhon Dryden,
Jhon Milton, Jhon Buniyon)
  Neo-Classical period (1660-1798)
- (Restoration Age – 1660-1700)
- (Augustan Literature- 1700-1750)
- (Age of Sensibility- 1750-1798)
19th century literature ( *Romanticism-
*Victorian literature- 1832-1901)
English literature since 1901 ( Modernism-
- The Edwardian Period (1901-1910)
- The Georgian Period. (1911-1939)
The Post modern Period (1939- present)

Previous Year question:
112) The founder of English prose____.
a) Alfred the Great b) Rovert Frost
c) William Blake d) John Donne
Ans: a
122) ‘Blank Verse’ means:
a) poetry without rhyme
b) a poem or speech at the end of a play
c) The study of prose and poetry
d) The scientific study of language
Ans: a
123) Which of the following school of literary writings connected with a medical theory?
a) Comedy of Manners
b) Theater of the absurd
c) Heroic Tragedy
d) Comedy of Humorous
Ans: d
124) ‘TheWay of the World’ is a play of _____.
a) G.B. Shaw b) Shakespeare
c) Ben Johnson d) William Congreve
Ans: d
125) Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel prize for the novel_____.
a) Animal Farm b) Vanity Fair
c) The Good Earth d) The Old Man and The Sea
Ans: d
126) ‘Shylok’ is the charactor of the Shakespeare an play____.
a) Macbeth (b) The Merchant of Vanice
c) The Tampest (d) King Lear
Ans: b
127) Who wrote ‘War and Peace ?
a) Thomas Hardy b) Rovert Lewis Stevension c) W.H. Auden d) Leo Tolstoy
Ans: d
128) ‘The God of Small things’ is written by_____.
a) Vikram Seth b) John Gladworthy
c) Arundhuti Roy d) E.M. Forster
Ans: c
129) Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’ is a ____.
a) satire b) comedy
c) tragedy d) lyric
Ans: c
130) Who wrote the play of ‘The Taming of the Shrew’?
a) Ben Jhonson b) G.B. Shaw
c) William Shakespeare d) T.S. Eliot
Ans: c
131) Shakespeare is known mostly for his ______.
a) poetry b) novels
c) autobiography d) plays
Ans: d
132) Which one is a tragedy?
a) Merchant of Vanice b) Twelfth Night
d) Romeo and Juliet d) Tampest
Ans: d
133) Who is the Author of ‘The Jungle book?
a) Hans Cristian Anderson b) Rudiyard Kipling
c) E.M.Forster d) John Keats
Ans: b
134) Who wrote the book ‘Heaven and Earth’?
a) John Keats b) W.Wordsworth
c) Lord Byron d) Lord Tennyson
Ans: c
135) The elegy ‘Lycidus’ was written by ______.
a) Thomas Gray b) Alfred Tennyson
c) John Milton d) John Keats
Ans: d
136) Shakespear’s ‘As You like It’ is a _____.
a) Satire b) comedy c) tragedy d) play
Ans: b
137) The poet of ‘Ulysses’ is ______
a) William Butler Yeats b) P.B Shelly
c) T.S.Eliot d) Alfred Lord Tennyson
Ans: d
138) Who wrote the short story ‘The Gift of the Magi’?
a) William Wordsworth b) Robert Frost c) Jane Austen d) O’ Henry
Ans: d
139) Who is the author of ‘The Origin of Species’?
a) Alfred Lord Tennyson b) John Milton
c) Darwin d) John Dryden
Ans: c
140) Who write “ A thing of beauty is a joy for ever”?
a) William Shakespeare b) John Keats
c) William Wordsworth d) John Milton
Ans: b
101) Which was the oldest period in English literature?
a) Anglo-Norman b) Anglo-Saxon
c) Chaucer’s Period d) Middle Age
Ans; b
102) Who is the father of English poetry?
a) Cynewulf b) Geoffrey Chaucer
c) Robert Browning d) None of the Above
Ans; b
103) Which is known as Romantic Period of English Literature?
a) 1550-1558 b) 1649-1660
c) 1798-1832 d) 1910-1936
Ans; c
104) ‘Jacobean Period’ of English literature refers to ---
a) 1558-1603 b) 1625-1649
c) 1603-1625 c) 1649-1660
Ans; c
105) Which period is known as “The golden age of English literature”?
a) The Victorian age b) The Elizabethan age b) The Restoration age c) The Eighteenth Century
Ans; b
106) ‘Restoration period’ in English literature refers to—
a) 1560 b) 1660 c) 1760 d) 1866
Ans; b
107) Who is the author of 'The Canterbury Tales'.
a) Sir Thomas Mallory b) William Lang land
c) Geoffrey Chaucer d) John Wycliffe
Ans; c
108) In which century was the Victorian Period?
a) 17th century b) 18th century
c) 19th century d) 20th century
Ans; c
109) Wordsworth and Coleridge together produced Lyrical Ballads in ______.
a) 1757 b) 1768 c) 1778 d) 1798
Ans; d
110) The ‘Poet Laureate’ is___.
a) the best poet of the country b) a winner of the Nobel Prize in poetry
c) the Court poet of England d) a classical poet
Ans; c
111) Nobel prize winner American lady novelist ______.
a) C.Bronte b) Jane Austern
c) V. Woolf d) Pearl S. Buck
Ans; d
112) ‘Sonnet’ means____.
a) short poem in same sound
b) sensatinal stories
c) a long poem
d) a poem of fourteen lines
Ans; d
113) Victor Hugo was a ______.
a) English novelist b) American novelist
c) Spanish novelist d) French novelist
Ans; d
114) The first English Dictionary was completed by______.
a) Izaak Walton b) Samuel Johnson
c) Samuel Butler d) Sir Thomas Browne
Ans; b
115) Who is the famous satirist of English Literature?
a) Rovret Browning b) Mathew Arnold
c) Robert Frost d) Jonathan Swift
Ans; d
116) Francis Bacon is a/an____.
a) Novelist b) Dramatist c) Poet d) Essayist
Ans; d
117) T.S. Eliot was awarded the Nobel Prize for the poem____.
a) Ulysses b) Patriotism
c) The Waste Land d) The Patriot
Ans; c
118) Canto is ______.
a) a part of a long poem b) sonnet
c) short poem d) short story
Ans; a
119) A fantasy is__________.
a) Funny film b) History record
c) Imaginary story d) Real life event
Ans; c
120) ‘Lyric’means___
a) a poem that could be sung
b) a short poem
c) a long poem
d) limitation of a poem
Ans; b
41. Who is the author of ‘For whom the bell tolls’?
a) Charles Dickens b) Homer
c) Lord Tennyson d) Ernest Hemingway
Ans: d
42. ‘Shylock’ is the character of ---
a) Man and Superman b) The Merchant of Venice c) Arms and the man d) The Tempest
Ans: b
43. Who said ‘Man is a political animal’?
a) Dante b) Aristotle c) Socrates d) Plato
Ans: b
44. “To be or not to be; that is the question” is quoted from-
a) Macbeth b) Hamlet
c) Saint Joan d) The Tempest
Ans: b
45. ‘Time is Money’ is an example of----
a) Simile b) Metaphor
c) Personification
d) Allusion
Ans: b
46. ‘The Bench found him guilty’ Here, ‘Bench’ is ----
a) Synecdoche b) Metonymy
c) Simile d) Metaphor
Ans: b
47. The real name of O’ Henry was---
a) Sir Philip Sydney b) Maryorie Kinnan Rawlings c) William Sidney Porter d) Venerable Bede
Ans: c
48. A. S. Hornby is famous for-----
a) writing dictionaries b) writing poems
c) writings songs d) writings text books
Ans: a
49. The literary work ‘Kubla khan’ is---
a) a history by Vincent Smith
b) a verse by S. T. Coleridge
c) Christopher Marlowe
d) A short story by Somerset Maugham
Ans: b
50. ‘Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man’ is said by---
a) Francis bacon b) John Dryden
c) John Donne d) Thomas Kyd
Ans: a
51. ‘…………’ is Shakespeare’s last play.
a) As you like it b) Othello
c) The tempest d) Macbeth
Ans: c
52. ‘The Silent Woman’ is written by ----
a) John Rushkin b) Ben Jonson
c) Kalidas d) G. B Shaw
Ans: b
53. ‘Renaissance’ means ---
a) The revival of learning b) The revival of hard task c) The revival of life d) The revival of new country
Ans: a
54. The first English dictionary was compiled by ----
a) Izak Walton b) Samuel Johnson
c) Samuel Butler d) Sir Thomas Browne
Ans: b
55. ‘Sweet are the uses of adversity’ was stated by----
a) Voltaire b) Shakespeare
c) Milton d) Tolstoy
Ans: b
56. ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ is a quotation from---
a) Oscar wilds b) Alfred Tennyson
c) Alexander pope d) Voltaire
Ans: c
57. Who wrote, ‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever’?
a) William Shakespeare b) John Keats
c) William Wordsworth d) John Milton
Ans: b
58. Who said, ‘ An unexamined life is not worth living’?
a) Socrates b) Plato c) Aristotle d) Zeno
Ans: a
59. ‘Climax’ of a plot is what happens ----
a) at the end b) at the height
c) in the beginning d) in the confrontation
Ans: b
60. What is an Epic?
a) a prose composition b) a romance
c) a novel d) a long poem
Ans: b
21. Who wrote the plays, ‘A Mid Summer Night’s Dream’?
a) Ben Johnson b) Christoper
c) John Dryden d) William Shakespeare
Ans: d
22. Which is known as romantic period of English literature?
a) 1550-1558 b) 1649-1660
c) 1798-1832 d) 1910-1936
Ans: c
23. ‘A doll’s House’ is written by---
a) Francis Bacon b) Henric Ibsen
c) E. M. Forester d) R. K. Narayan
Ans: b
24. The Romantic Age began with the publication of ----
a) The Lyrical Ballads b) My Last Duchess c) A tale of two cities d) Canonization
Ans: a
25. Among the following authors who is not a poet?
a) Matthew Arnold b) Robert Frost
c) John Donne d) Doris Lessing
Ans: d
26. ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ refers to----
a) London and Berlin b) London and Paris c) London and Rome d) London and Washington
Ans: b
27. ‘The Good Earth’ deals with----
a) Irish life b) Bengali life
c) Chinese life d) English life
Ans: c
28. Who wrote ‘The Spanish Tragedy’?
a) John Lyly b) Thomas Kyd
c) Robert Green d) Christopher Marlowe
Ans: b
29. Famous Irish poet and dramatist?
a) W. B. Yeats b) L. Tolstoy
c) A. Pope d) H. G. Wells
Ans: a
30. Who wrote ‘The Odyssey and the Illiad’?
a) Milton b) Homer
c) Vergil d) Hoffman
Ans: b
31. The hero or central character of a literary work is---
a) Villain b) Protagonist
c) antagonist d) Chorus
Ans: b
32. A lyric poem mourning the death of an individual or lamenting a tragic incident is a /an-----
a) elegy b) tragedy
c) epic d) hymn
Ans: a
33. ‘A song embodying religious and sacred emotions.
a) Lyric b) Ode c) Hymn d) Ballad
Ans: c
34. The literary terms which says one thing in disguise of another is---
a) Satire b) Allegory c) Metaphor d) Symbol
Ans: b
35. Which is the oldest period in English literature?
a) Anglo-Norman b) Anglo-Saxon
c) Middle Age d) Chaucer’s period
Ans: b
36. Who is called ‘the poet of nature’ in English literature?
a) Lord Byron b) John Keats
c) P. B. Shelly d) William Wordsworth
Ans: d
37. Who is the most famous satirist in English literature?
a) Alexander Pope b) Jonathan Swift
c) William Wordsworth d) Butler
Ans: b
38. Who is the author of ‘A Farewell to Arms’?
a) Helen Keller b) Bertrand Russel
c) Ernest Hemingway d) Charles Dickens
Ans: c
39. Who wrote “Biographia Literaria”?
a) Lord Byron b) P. B. Shelly
c) S. T. Coleridge d) Charles lamb
Ans: c
40. Who has written the poem “Elegy written in a Country Churchyard”?
a) William Wordsworth b) Thomas Gray
c) John Keats d) W. B. Yeats
Ans: b
81. Who is not a playwright?
a) Christopher Marlowe b) William Shakespeare c) G. B. Shaw d) Jonathan Swift
Ans: d
82. William Shakespeare is a famous ……….. century English playwright.
a) nineteenth b) sixteenth
c) eighteenth d) fifteenth
Ans: b
83. William Shakespeare wrote ………..
a) sonnets, tragedies and comedies
b) sonnets, plays and essays
c) sonnets, plays and essays
d) sonnets, plays and epics
Ans: a
84. Who is considered the father of English novel?
a) Henry fielding b) Arthur C. Clarke
c) John Milton d) P. B. Shelly
Ans: a
85. Who is regarded as the ‘Father of Science Fiction’?
a) Isaac Asimov b) Jules Verne
c) H. G Wells d) Arthur C. Clarke
Ans: b
86. What is the full name of ‘Dr. Faustus’
a) The tragical history of Doctor Faustus
b) The tragedy of Doctor Faustus
c) Doctor Faustus
d) The Tragic history of Dr. Faustus
Ans: a
87. The poem ‘The Isle of Innisfree’ is written by---
a) Dylan Thomas b) W. H Auden
c) Ezra Pound d) W. B. Yeats
Ans: d
88. Othello is a Shakespeare’s play about ---
a) A Jew b) A Turk c) A Roman d) A Moor
Ans: d
89. ‘Paradise Lost’ is an epic written by---
a) P. B. Shelly b) John Milton
c) Shakespeare d) G. B. Shaw
Ans: b
90. ‘The Canterbury Tales’ are told by ----
a) Geoffrey Chaucer b) John Wycliffe
c) Thomas Barth d) Baccaccio
Ans: a
91. ‘The diary of a young girl’ is written by----
a) Otto Frank b) James Frank
c) Anne Frank d) Henry Frank
Ans: c
92. The major theme of “To Daffodils” is
a) Life is short, art is long b) Daffodils are beautiful c) The ravages of Time d) Nature never dies
Ans: a
93. ‘The Sun also rises’ is a novel written by ----
a) Charles Dickens b) Herman Melvile
c) Ernest Hemmingway d) Thomas Hardy
Ans: c
94. Author of ‘The Picture of the Dorian Gray’ ----
a) Boris Pasternauk b) Fitzerald
c) Aldous Huxley d) Oscar Wilde
Ans: d
95. ‘Brutus’ is a famous character in the Shakespeare play?
a) King Lear b) Julius Caesar
c) Hamlet d) Romeo and Juliet
Ans: b
96. The characters ‘Prospero, Alonso and Antonio’ are from ----
a) The Tempest b) Macbeth
c) Othello d) Hamlet
Ans: a
97. ‘All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand’ is a quotation from ---
a) Macbeth b) Othello
c) King Lear d) Hamlet
Ans: a
98. Tragedy means ----- a) a serious play with a happy ending
b) a serious play with a sad ending
c) a humorous play with a sad ending
c) a funny play with a touchy ending
d) a romantic play
Ans: a
99. ‘Truth sits upon the lips of dying men’ is quoted by ----
a) Mathew Arnold b) John Keats
c) G. B. Shaw d) Lord Byron
Ans: a
100. ‘Childhood shows the man, as the morning shows the day’ is quoted by ----
a) John Milton b) Lord Dening
c) G. B. Shaw d) John Keats
Ans: a
61. ‘The Origin of Species’ is written by ----
a) Charles Darwin b) Newton
c) Gallelio d) Marie Curie
Ans: a
62. ‘Animal farm’ is written by…..
a) George Orwell b) Stevenson
c) Swift d) Mark Twin
Ans: a
63. What is a funny poem of five lines called?
a) Quertet b) Limerick
c) Sixtet d) haiku
Ans: b
64. ‘Melodrama’ is kind of play of ----
a) violent and sensational themes
b) historical themes
c) philosophical themes
d) pathetic themes
Ans: b
65. A Machiavellian character is -----
a) an honest person b) a selfish person
c) a courageous person d) a judicious person
Ans: b
66. ‘Blank verse’ is kind of verse -----
a) having no rhyming end
b) having blanks in the verse
c) having no significance
d) having no rhythmic flow
Ans: a
67. Which is the following is a story in verse?
a) elegy b) ballad c) ode d) sonnet
Ans: b
68. Who wrote, ‘The Birthday Party’ ?
a) James Joyce b) G. B. Shaw
c) Harold Pinter d) Jane Austen
Ans: c
69. Who wrote, ‘Waiting for Godot’?
a) Berltolot Brech b) Samuel Beckett
c) Benric Ibsen d) Samuel Butler
Ans: b
70. Helen of Troy was the wife of ----
a) Agamemnon b) Achilles
c) Menelaus d) Hector
Ans: c
71. The period from AD 1066 to 1500 is known as ----
a) The old English Period
b) The Middle English Period
c) The Anglo-Saxon Period
d) The Victorian Period
Ans: b
72. Who is called the poet of the poets?
a) Geoffrey Chaucer b) Edmund Spenser
c) Thomas kyd d) William Shakespeare
Ans: b
73. O’ Henry is famous for ----
a) Drama b) Short story
c) Novel d) Poems
Ans: b
74. Who wrote, ‘The Affluent Society’?
a) H. G wells b) J. K. Galbrath
c) T. S Eliot d) David Hume
Ans: b
75. Which of the following writers belongs to the Elizabethan period?
a) Samuel Becket b) John Dryden
c) Christopher Marlowe d) Alexander Pope
Ans: c
76. ‘The Return of the Native’ is written by----
a) Aldous Huxley b) Somerset maugham
c) Alexander Dumas d) Thomas Hardy
Ans: d
77. ‘Laddy Chatterley’s Lover’ is a novel written by -----
a) William Somerset Maugham b) Thomas Hardy c) Leo Tolstoy d) D. H Lawrence
Ans: d
78. ‘To Daffodils’ is written by ----
a) William Wordsworth b) Robert Herrick
c) Ted Hughes d) Oscar Wilde
Ans: b
79. A famous short story of Maupassant is ---
a) Gift of the Magi b) The Necklace
c) The Prince d) Tropic of Cancer
Ans: b
80. Who is the Author of the drama ‘Joan of Arc’?
a) G. B Shaw b) Lord Byron
c) Charles Dickens d) P. B Shelly
Ans: a
1. Who is the father of English Literature?
a) Cynewulf b) Geoffrey Chaucer
c) Robert Browning d) None of the above
Ans: b
2. Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is a ---
a) Tragedy b) Tragi-Comedy
c) Satire d) Lyric
Ans: b
3. Which of the following is a ‘Comedy written by Shakespeare’?
a) As you like it b) King Lear
c) Macbeth d) Hamlet
Ans: a
4. “Cowards die many times before their death”. From which book the above line is taken….
a) Macbeth b) Julius Caesar
c) Hamlet d) Othello
Ans: b
5. Shakespeare is mostly known for his ….
a) Poetry b) Novels
c) Autobiography d) Plays
Ans: d
6. ‘Paradise Lost’ attempted to ---
a) Justify the ways of man to God
b) Justify the ways of God to man
c) Show that the satan and God are equal power
d) Explain why good and evil are necessary
Ans: b
7. “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of”---
a) Romantic love b) Saddest thoughts
c) Patriotic feeling d) heroic tales
Ans: b
8. Limerick is---
a) A form of one-act play b) A form of short story c) A short form of light verse d) A kind of novel
Ans: b
9. Who wrote ‘Crime and Punishment’?
a) Shelly b) Tolstoy
c) Byron d) Dostoevsky
Ans: b
10. Most important feature of romantic poetry.
a) Beauty b) Nature
c) Subjectivity d) Imagination
Ans: c
11. Who is considered to be the father of English prose?
a) Francis Bacon b) King Alfred the Great
c) Henry Fielding d) Geoffrey Chaucer
Ans: a
12. If winter comes can spring be far behind? Is a quotation from P.B Shelly’s---
a) The Cloud b) Adonosis
c) Ode to the West Wind d) To a Skylark
Ans: c
13. ‘Knowledge is power’ was stated by---
a) Hobbes b) Mills
c) Socrates d) Rousseau
Ans: a
14. ‘Nature never did betray the heart that loved her’ is a quotation from---
a) Wordsworth b) B. J. Baryon
c) P. B. Shelly d) d) J. Keats
Ans: a
15. Who wrote the famous poetic line “To err is human, to forgive divine”?
a) Pope b) Shelly c) Keats d) Dryden
Ans: a
16. ‘Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested”. Said-----
a) Joseph b) Dr. Johnson
c) Charles Lamb d) Francis bacon
Ans: d
17. ‘But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep’---was written by---
a) T. S Eliot B) W.B Yeats
c) Robert Frost d) Ted huges
Ans: c
18. ‘Water, water everywhere, not a drop to drink’ is a quotation from---
a) The Ancient Mariner b) To Skylark
c) The Paradise Lost d) The Cloud
Ans: a
19. The repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as ---
a) personification
b) onomatopoeia
c) alliteration d) rhyme
Ans: c
20. The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as is known to be ----
a) metaphor b) simile
c) alliteration d) personification
Ans: b
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