Barron GRE High-Frequency Words Vocabulary list
Barron's GRE High-Frequency Words Vocabulary list
◼️ Boorish(Adj) অভদ্র, বর্বর, গেঁয়ো
Rude, Insensitive,Barbarous,Rustic,Countrified,Uneducated
E.X:His manner seemed rather boorish.
◼️ Burgeon(Verb) বিকশিত হওয়া, দ্রুত বেড়ে ওঠা
E.X:As car prices go down, car dealers are expecting sales to burgeon.
◼️ Burnish(Noun,Verb) চাকচিক্য, পলিশ করা, ঘোসিয়া মাজিয়া চকচকে করা (Polish,Furbish,Rub up,Scrape,Shine,Sparkle)
E.X:I intend to burnish my silver candlesticks so that they will gleam when we set them on the table tonight.
E.X:I intend to burnish my silver candlesticks so that they will gleam when we set them on the table tonight.
◼️ Buttress((Noun,Verb) পৃষ্ঠ রক্ষা করা, আশ্রয় স্থল, শক্তিশালী করা (Prop,Support,Abutment, Shore,Strengthen,Reinforce,Fortify,Support)
E.X:You need more facts to buttress up your argument.
E.X:You need more facts to buttress up your argument.
◼️ Capricious(Adj) অনির্ভরযোগ্য, খামখেয়ালি, চঞ্চল ,অনিয়মিত (Unpredictable,Fickle,Cranky, Moody, Freakish,Undivided)
E.X:Romantic heroines are often capricious.
E.X:Romantic heroines are often capricious.
◼️ Castigation(Noun) কঠোর ভৎসনা, শাস্তি (Criticism,Punishment,Penalty,Judgment, Discipline,Pain)
E.X:They write me letters of insult and castigation.
E.X:They write me letters of insult and castigation.
◼️ Catalyst(Noun) অনুঘটক, যে ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু পরিবর্তন সাধনের সহায়ক হয় (Impetus,Incentive, Motivation,Stimulant,Goad,Incitement,Spur)
E.X:The high suicide rate acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.
E.X:The high suicide rate acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.
◼️ Caustic(Adj,Noun) দগ্ধ কারক, ক্ষয়কারী পদার্থ, শ্লেষাত্মক (Ironical,Scorching,Burring,Defeating)
E.X:Her speech was a caustic attack on government officials.
E.X:Her speech was a caustic attack on government officials.
◼️ Chicanery(Noun) ছলচাতুরি, প্রতারণা, ছল, কপটতা (Thickety,Deception,Dodge,Fob, Dexterity,Hype,Cheating)
E.X:Clearly there is some chicanery going on.
E.X:Clearly there is some chicanery going on.
◼️ Coagulate(Verb) ঘনীভূত করা ,জমাট করা, জমানো (Thicken,Congeal,Clot,Freeze,Solidify, Fixate)
E.X:Blood coagulates in air.
E.X:Blood coagulates in air.
◼️ Attenuate(Verb,Adj)কমানো ,কাহিল করা ,দুর্বল করা, শক্তিহীন করা , হ্রাস প্রাপ্ত (Minimize,Shorten, Diminish, Reduce, Enfeeble,Weaken,Disable, Enfeeble,Weaken,Disable,Delicate,Fine)
E.X:Her intolerance was attenuate by a rather unexpected liberalism.
E.X:Her intolerance was attenuate by a rather unexpected liberalism.
◼️ Audacious(Adj) দুঃসাহসী, উদ্ধত, হঠকারী (Daring,Bold,Foolhardy,Dogmatic,Brash,Unwise,Impolitic)
E.X:Because the police captain knew his men were well trained, he planned an audacious attack on the bank robbers.
E.X:Because the police captain knew his men were well trained, he planned an audacious attack on the bank robbers.
◼️ Austere(Adj) কঠোর ভাবাপন্ন, উগ্র (Shrill, Violent,Rough,Strong,Harsh,Indignant,Severe)
E.X:Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.
E.X:Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.
◼️ Autonomous(Adj) স্ব-শাসিত, স্বাধীন (Self-govering,Independent,Autonomic)
E.X:Teachers aim to help children become autonomous learners.
E.X:Teachers aim to help children become autonomous learners.
◼️ Aver(Verb)সত্য বলিয়া প্রতিপাদন করা ,সমর্থন করা, জোর দিয়ে বলা ,নিশ্চিত রূপে বলা (Assure, Okay, Section, Approve,Permit,Support)
E.X:In spite of all you say, I still aver that his report is true.
E.X:In spite of all you say, I still aver that his report is true.
◼️ Banal(Adj) আকর্ষনহীন ,বস্তাপঁচা ,তুচ্ছ, গতানুগতিক (Hackneyed,Commonplace, Trivial, Traditional,Customary,Trivial,Dime,Corny)
E.X:Because the movie’s plot was banal, we knew exactly how the film would end.
E.X:Because the movie’s plot was banal, we knew exactly how the film would end.
◼️ Belie(Verb)মিথ্যা বর্ণনা প্রদান করা, মিথ্যা ধারণা জন্মানো, মিথ্যা প্রতিপন্ন হওয়া(Contradict,Negate,Repudiate,Obscure,Hide,Mask)
E.X:The facts of the situation belie his testimony.
E.X:The facts of the situation belie his testimony.
◼️ Beneficent(Adj)ক্ষমা পরায়ন ,কল্যাণময়, দানশীল, দয়ালু ,হিতকর ,উপকারী (Gracious, Altruistic,Charitable,Merciful,Pitiful,Benign)
E.X:The beneficent king made sure no one in his kingdom went without food.
E.X:The beneficent king made sure no one in his kingdom went without food.
◼️ Bolster(Verb) ছেস দেওয়ানো, খাড়া করানো (Support,Reinforce,Lean,Stand)
E.X:More money is needed to bolster the industry.
E.X:More money is needed to bolster the industry.
◼️ Bombastic(Adj) শব্দ আড়ম্বরপূর্ণ, অত্যাধিক জমকালো (Pompous,Blustering,Ranting,Wordy Verbose)
E.X:. I cannot believe the minister’s bombastic sermon lasted three hours!
E.X:. I cannot believe the minister’s bombastic sermon lasted three hours!
◼️ Anachronism(Noun)কাল বৈষম্য, এক যুগের বিষয় অন্য যুগের সাথে জড়ানো, সময়ের অসঙ্গতি বা ভুল (Misplacement,Prolepsis,Solecism, Misdate,Postdate)
E.X:In today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism.
E.X:In today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism.
◼️ Analogous(Adj) অনুরূপ ,সদৃশ ,তুলনীয় (Alike, Comparable,Similar,Like,Same,Resembling,Akin)
E.X:Because my teacher is analogous to my mother, I have accidentally called her, “mom.”
E.X:Because my teacher is analogous to my mother, I have accidentally called her, “mom.”
◼️ Anarchy(Noun) নৈরাজ্য, অরাজকতা, বিশৃঙ্খলা (Disorder,Disorganization,Chaos,Clutter,Confusion,Mess)
E.X:As soon as the teacher stepped in the hall, the classroom descended into anarchy.
E.X:As soon as the teacher stepped in the hall, the classroom descended into anarchy.
◼️ Anomalous(Adj) ব্যতিক্রমী ,বিশৃংখল, নিয়মবহির্ভূত, অস্বাভাবিক (Abnormal,Irregular, Exceptional,Absolute,Chaotic,Confused,Irregular,Hyper)
E.X:He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm.
E.X:He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm.
◼️ Antipathy(Noun) বিদ্বেষ ,বিরোধিতা , বিবাগ, অনাসক্ত (Aversion,Dislike,Spite,Prejudice,Envy, Malice,Enmity,Rivalry)
E.X:I feel an antipathy against their behaviour.
E.X:I feel an antipathy against their behaviour.
◼️ Apathy(Noun) বিদ্বেষ ,অনীহা, অশ্রদ্ধা, উদাসীনতা (Aversion,Dislike,Indifference, Nonchalance,Disgust)
E.X:Yet there is still a public apathy about Covid 19.
E.X:Yet there is still a public apathy about Covid 19.
◼️ Appease(Verb) শান্ত করা ,প্রশমিত করা ,তৃপ্ত করা ,ঠান্ডা করা (Relieve,Calm,Cradle,Soothe , Mitigate,Fulfill)
E.X:He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.
E.X:He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.
◼️ Apprise(Verb) অবহিত করা ,গোচরে আনা, জানানো (Inform,Impart,Notify,Conveyl)
E.X:He came to apprise us that the work had been successfully completed.
E.X:He came to apprise us that the work had been successfully completed.
◼️ Approbation(Noun) অনুমোদন,সম্মতি (Approval,Compliance,Consent,Assent,Boost,Okay,Sanction)
E.X:City Commissioners have a difficult time winning the approbation of voters in this town.
E.X:City Commissioners have a difficult time winning the approbation of voters in this town.
◼️ Appropriate(Adj) উপযুক্ত, যথাযথ ,জুতসই মানানসই (Adequate,Applicable,Apposite, Utile, Apt,Proper)
E.X:Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.
E.X:Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.
◼️ Arduous(Adj) শ্রমসাধ্য ,কষ্টসাধ্য, দুঃসাধ্য (Hard, Strenuous,Rugged,Laborious,Uphill,Steep, Difficult)
E.X:Last semester was a piece of cake, but taking seven classes along with an internship this semester is going to be arduous!
E.X:Last semester was a piece of cake, but taking seven classes along with an internship this semester is going to be arduous!
◼️ Artless(Adj) কৌশল হীন, আলাভোলা, অপটু চলনা বিহীন,বোকা, সরল পূর্ণ ( Inexpert,Naive, Awkward,Simple,Plain,Naive,Innocent,Foolish, Plain
E.X:The child asked many artless questions.
E.X:The child asked many artless questions.
◼️ Ascetic(Noun,Adj) কঠোর তপস্বী ,সাধু ,যোগী, আত্মসংযমী (Hermit,Solitary,Saint,Hallow)
E.X:The ascetic man gave away his fortune and moved into a tiny one-bedroom apartment.
E.X:The ascetic man gave away his fortune and moved into a tiny one-bedroom apartment.
◼️ Assiduous(Adj) পরিশ্রমী ,উদ্যোগী, একনিষ্ঠ, অধ্যবসায়ী (Diligent,Dashing,Bold,Intent, Attentive,Sedulous,Plucky,Diligent,Industrious)
E.X:With an assiduous attitude, we will finish this project.
E.X:With an assiduous attitude, we will finish this project.
◼️ Assuage(Verb)উপশম করা ,প্রশমিত করা, শান্ত করা, তীব্রতা লাঘব করা (Soothe,Mitigate, Appease, Calm,Quiet,Relieve,Alleviate,Ally)
E.X:The government has tried to assuage the public's fears.
E.X:The government has tried to assuage the public's fears.
◼️ Admonish(Verb) সাবধান করে দেওয়া ,সতর্ক করা ,ধমক দেওয়া (Warn,Reprove,Caution, Check, Rebuke
E.X:The teacher had to admonish the student who talked out of turn during the lesson.
E.X:The teacher had to admonish the student who talked out of turn during the lesson.
◼️ Adulterate(Adj,Verb)বিশুদ্ধতা নষ্ট করা, ভেজালযুক্ত, ব্যভিচার, খাদ মেশানো (Immoral, Mixed,Wrongful,Debase
E.X:The restaurant was fined for trying to adulterate the beef with cheap meats.
E.X:The restaurant was fined for trying to adulterate the beef with cheap meats.
◼️ Aesthetic(Adj) শিল্প রুচিসম্মত, নান্দনিক ( Artistic,Creative,Esthetic,Beautiful)
E.X:Would you mind giving me your aesthetic opinion of my new handbag?
E.X:Would you mind giving me your aesthetic opinion of my new handbag?
◼️ Aggregate(Noun,Adj,Verb) সমষ্টিগত, মোট, সমষ্টি, সমূহ ,মোটামুটি ,একত্র করা ( Gather, Accumulate, Overall,Collected,Accrue)
E.X:Schools often use test scores to aggregate students into classes based on intelligence.
E.X:Schools often use test scores to aggregate students into classes based on intelligence.
◼️ Alacrity(Noun)ব্যগ্রতা, তৎপরতা, সক্রিয়তা, ক্ষিপ্ততা, উৎসাহ,উদ্দীপনা(Ardor,Anxiety ,Ploy Eagerness,Punctuality,Liveliness)
E.X:Having studied really hard last night, the student took the exam with alacrity.
E.X:Having studied really hard last night, the student took the exam with alacrity.
◼️ Alleviate(Verb) উপশম করা, লাঘব করা, কমানো, দূর করা (Reduce,Assuage,Curtail, Lessen,Relieve,Mitigate,Allay)
E.X:The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
E.X:The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
◼️ Amalgamate(Verb)জোড়া লাগানো ,সংযুক্ত করা, একত্র করা, মিলিত করা (Put together, Assemble,Consolidate,Together,Attach,Adjoin)
E.X:Their company is planning to amalgamate with ours.
E.X:Their company is planning to amalgamate with ours.
◼️ Ambiguous (Adj) অস্পষ্ট, সন্দেহজনক, অনির্দিষ্ট(Oracular,Equivocal,Dim,Obscure,Vague,Fuzzy,Mystical)
E.X:He gave me an ambiguous answer.
E.X:He gave me an ambiguous answer.
◼️ Ambivalence(Noun)প্রতিকূল, পরস্পর বিরোধী, সম্মুখবর্তী ,বিপরীত, দ্বিমুখী (Hostile,Adverse, Unfavorable,Untoward,Opposite)
E.X:Even though the new job meant more money, Sumon felt a great deal of ambivalence about accepting the position.
E.X:Even though the new job meant more money, Sumon felt a great deal of ambivalence about accepting the position.
◼️ Ameliorate(Verb) উন্নতি সাধন করা, উন্নতি লাভ করা (Elevate,Uplift,Raise,Develop,Improve, Foster,Gain)
E.X:The police tried to ameliorate the situation after the false arrest, but the family didn’t want to hear their apologies.
E.X:The police tried to ameliorate the situation after the false arrest, but the family didn’t want to hear their apologies.
◼️ Extol(Verb) উচ্চ প্রশংসা করা (Belaud, Narrate,Glorify,Celebrate,Praise,Laud)
E.X:Unfortunately, young people have began to extol celebrities instead of the real heroes like teachers and police officers.
E.X:Unfortunately, young people have began to extol celebrities instead of the real heroes like teachers and police officers.
◼️ Extraneous(Adj) বিদেশী, অসংশ্লিষ্ট ,বহিরাগত, নিজস্ব না এমন (Irrelevant(Immaterial,External, Outside,Exterior,Outward,Adventitious)
E.X:If you slip off your diet, the extraneous calories will make you gain all the weight you lost.
E.X:If you slip off your diet, the extraneous calories will make you gain all the weight you lost.
◼️ Extrapolate(Verb) পূর্বেই দেখা, আগেই জানা, দূরদর্শণ করা(Judge,Conclude,Decide,Infer,Make out,Assume,Conjecture)
E.X:You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.
E.X:You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.
◼️ Extricate(Verb) মুক্ত করা, উদ্ধার করা (Free,Liberate,Rid,Rescue,Deliver,Recover, Relieve,Reprieve,Extricate)
E.X:It took hours to extricate the car from the sand.
E.X:It took hours to extricate the car from the sand.
◼️ Extrovert(Adj,Noun) বহির্মুখী ,মিশুক, সামাজিক ও হাসিখুশি ব্যক্তি (Gregarious,Sociable, Exhibitionist,Outward,Exterior,Efferent)
E.X:Tom is very extrovert and confident while Katy's shy and quiet.
E.X:Tom is very extrovert and confident while Katy's shy and quiet.
◼️ Abate(Verb) হ্রাস পাওয়া ,কমানো, প্রশমিত করা ,উপশম করা (Minimize,Shorten, Reduce, Diminish,Sooothe,Mitigate,Subside)
E.X:I hope this medicine will abate the pain in my leg.
E.X:I hope this medicine will abate the pain in my leg.
◼️ Aberrant(Adj) নীতিভ্রষ্ট, বিপথগামী , বিচ্যুত (Stray,Perverse,Divergent,Erring,Excursive)
E.X:Because my daughter has aberrant eating habits, she often eats dinner very late at night.
E.X:Because my daughter has aberrant eating habits, she often eats dinner very late at night.
◼️ Abeyance(Noun)সামরিক অক্রিয়তা ,স্থগিতাবস্থা, অপ্রয়োগ(Delay,Postponement,Misuse)
E.X:Since the divorcing couple was unable to agree on a financial settlement, the judge placed the case in abeyance until an agreement could be reached.
E.X:Since the divorcing couple was unable to agree on a financial settlement, the judge placed the case in abeyance until an agreement could be reached.
◼️ Abscond(Verb)আত্মগোপন করে থাকা ,পলাতক হওয়া ,গা ঢাকা দেওয়া, পালান (Run away,Flee, Escape,Make off,Decamp)
E.X:Do you think he has plans to abscond with the stolen money?
E.X:Do you think he has plans to abscond with the stolen money?
◼️ Abstemious(Adj) স্বল্পাহারী ,সংযোতচিত্ত, মিতাচারী, মিতাশী(Temperate,Continent, Self-restrained)
E.X:Because I was abstemious with alcohol when I was younger, I am still quite healthy in my later years.
E.X:Because I was abstemious with alcohol when I was younger, I am still quite healthy in my later years.